
Reviews by Urby

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  • Pros:

    - Loved the Christmas feel though, the lights and the music worked really well.
    - The mapping is top notch. The destroyed buildings were very well made and great fun to try and hold out in.


    - A couple of common infected and a tank got stuck in the crater in the road. Not really complaining about this since it made the tank a lot easier to take down. :P


    Definitely a great map. There are so many options for areas to have a good old stand-off. The trashed building, the store, the alleyway, the blockade with the mini-gun, I think I ended up holding off the hordes at each of the 4 during one session.
    I can't say I've come across any of the technical issues that I've seen mentioned here. Everything looks the same as the screen shots above and I played for 15 minutes, not a single crash.

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