
I might of just started playing Add-On campaigns but I know what I'm doing! Message me if you need to.

Reviews by Solaris_Ekleipsis

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    -Interactive world.
    -Good touch with the crafting and YouTubers. 
    -Makes you feel like you're in Minecraft
    -Different areas for different effects.
    -Good spread of weapons and Ammo.


    -Finale isn't very hard.
    -Zombies bunch up a lot.
    -Some areas are slightly confusing while searching for crafting items.


    I love Minecraft, and Left 4 Dead, but since the two were combined, it's just amazing. It feels like I'm playing an upgraded scarier version of Minecraft, but also Left 4 Dead at the same time. It's a very fun, and exciting campaign. If you love Minecraft, you'll love this campaign. 

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