
Reviews by Turbo_Mongral

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  • Pros:

    Creative Crescendo Events
    Challenging levels
    Fun mini-game built into levels
    Excellent Finale that encourages moving around, rather than finding a place to camp and staying there.
    Large levels encourage and reward exploration (IE Map 2)


    Item's sometimes spawn in odd/inaccessible locations (Example: Map 3 A molotov and some pills spawned in mid-air behind a pair of chain fences)
    Players/Bots are sometimes spawned outside a saferoom, sometimes on the outside of the wrong door.
    Bots sometimes cease following a player until the AI teleports them to the player.
    Smokers can sometimes grab a survivor through a floor.
    Shuttle Escape is fairly bland, at least add perhaps a few gas cans that ignite when the shuttle begins taking off.


    An excellent, and somewhat, lengthy campaign with very creative use of game resources to create very good Crescendo's. Again, shuttle escape seems a bit bland, but the finale itself is very nice. Overall I give it a 75/100.
                                                     (50 Base Score + 10 Per Pro, -5 Per Con)

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