
Reviews by davidriggs

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    â™ Brings back that awesome L4D feeling
    â™ They look WAY more badass then the stock guns
    â™ Looks just like the L4D pistols
    â™ Don't notice or miss the original reload animation  


    That they did not come stock with the game and don't work on dedicated servers (not your fault at all).


    There were so many thing I missed from L4D in L4D2:
    No legs
    Original Survivors
    Original Campaigns
    but most of all the pistols.
    Slowly L4D2 has been making up for these shortcomings like adding the original survivors and campaigns, but this mod made my day...no scratch that...my week and I had to come back and tell you your f***ing awesome :). Now if Valve would add legs back into the game I would have no more L4D2 complaintsâ™   

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