
Reviews by doctormobius629

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    Decent Level Layout
    Good Pacing
    Good Weapon/Item Placing


    Uninteresting Locations
    Uninspired Level Design
    Poor Closet Placement


    What we have here is a painfully adequate level design.  Truly a case of "It would be better if it were worse".
    There's nothing wrong with this map, but there's nothing really great about it either.  The scenery is uniform grey, the maps are either straight lines or squares, and there really isn't anything interesting happening to break up such a long map.  It's a map by the numbers.  Well made, but could use a larger dose of creativity.
    The only functional complaint I have is the beach under the first bridge, which gently slopes into the water, giving no visual cue that walking into the water will kill you.  This needs either a sharp edge or some other visual indicator of the danger, or a barrier.  
    I give it a B-
        - DM

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