Shadow Gost1

Reviews by Shadow Gost1

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    Fun map
    Good for a little bit of easy fun
    Great idea of the attack on a single train
    Mildly Challenging
    Fun no matter how many times you start over
    Good place for a helicopter, more challenging
    Great way to have 20 minute fun with friends


    A bit too small
    Too tight (not much room to move around)
    Lack of supplies
    Lack of places for you to come back to life


    It is a GREAT map and it is something that never gets old. One thing that bothered me was that when the Tank came in the final part you can't really run away because it is so tight. I did get "chargered" once and fell through a crack but that isn't really much of a con... I did it in 17 minutes (starting over twice) so it is easy and fun. Another thing was that there was a lack of special infected, this accuallty helps in that, you don't have to worry about going from cart to cart. I don't understand why there was a defibulator, if you died it was probably from falling off so there isn't much use in that. There were very little places for bots/people who died to come back to life. It certainly is a great map. I'd recommend getting this map any day!

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