
Reviews by slaught3r

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    - AMAZING Campaign !!!!
    - Loved the Mall it was the best ever seen on L4D2
    - Great Bot Nav
    - Details were every well done, (small things matter)
    - Audio and Visuals were top notch
    - Ammo supply and weapons with throwables were a plenty


    - Bots on occasion spawned outside safe-room on map 2 ..


    As a first release this is very nice not many issues other then my 1 con which would remove 1 point or it would of been a 10
    Side Note: I read most of the other reviews and would like to see those Trolls make a map we can play to judge that give low scores.. not some modified already existing campaign but something form scratch like this, they can't so they bash

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