
Just a L4D player, been playing for a few years.

Reviews by wolfaythestarwolf

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    -A dark and daunting landscape
    -A challenge for everyone, including veteran zombie hunters
    -When coupled with the Informal Skyboxes, and some custom zombie sound mods, this campaign is absolutely beautiful to play.
    -I particularly like the return episodes after finding the gascans, the rain and the atmosphere it creates is nightmare fuel
    -This mod has made Hard Rain my favorite campaign


    I've reviewed another of "The Real XX" and I gave a warning saying that it is a very daunting thing for inexperienced players. This goes tenfold with this mod. When I first played this I was scared half to death


    An absolutely brilliant redub of the horrifying Hard Rain campaign. Adds its own level of terror in an almost Silent Hill-esque way. Fantastic and absolutely breathtaking to experience. 10/10

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