
Left for dead gamer eager to try out new maps :) x

Reviews by VictorianGothic

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  • Pros:

    great range of places to explore
    textures are great
    Great idea for a map


    Large ERROR glitches at the start seen that through comments that I am not the only one with this happening
    too many locked areas/doors
    far too many narrow hallways and cut off areas
    too many special infected within the narrow hallways - not much of a chance to kill them due to no space to move
    constant losing the way - felt like a rat in a maze tbh
    finale was very lacking,though space for it was well planned out
    too many sniper rifles that were not needed,too many shotguns also.


    if you have a serious claustrophobia problem don't play this map as its very closed in.
    great idea for a map but needs to be given more thought when planning a route through it,dark in some areas,too many parts cut off and unavailable for exploring,finale needs a serious overhaul maybe have it explode or sink like it actual did. over all a decent map that has great potential if done over and the kinks sorted out,anyone playing this with a personal playlist of music should do the finale with Johnny Cash's "The man comes around playing" its totally awesome :) x

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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