
Reviews by Oddjob82

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  • Pros:

    -Excellent atmosphere.
    -New mechanics (making pipe bombs, molotovs, using health machines)
    -Alternative pathing
    -Nice environments


    -Finale was a bit dull. Was expecting to fight the giant tank. 
    -Bots fell off the raft. 
    -Water isn't deep enough to kill you so bots just limped along at the bottom.
    -Health machines were supposed to have a cooldown but it seemed I could keep retrieving health from them. Should limit it to one use per player for better versus balance. 
    -Endless hordes and triggered hordes (just by walking? ) at various points detracted from the map for me.


    Excellent campaign that needs a few tweaks to become one of the best custom campaigns available.
    • Thanks for your review, Oddjob82!
      A quick note on the health machines - health machines start with a few uses, which can be depleted, and recharge one additional use every few minutes. If you're near a health machine, you'll hear it chime when it refills. They are (temporarily) exhaustible though :)

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