- Rocky Highlands
Rocky Highlands has 4 start positions with plenty of mountain terrain.
- Operation Baytown
Operation Baytown is a 6 start position map with railroad system.
- Hill192
This map was converted to multiplayer by: >O< Mystic Eye.
- Siege of Foothold Hill
Battle for Foothold Hill is a detailed map that with of course a hill and a river / bridge.
- Ruins
Ruins , Schifano Gianluca map. 6 start positions.
- Infantry to the orders
Schifano Gianluca map. This map has lakes and rivers with a nice village.
- Paisi
Paisi, Schifano Gianluca map. 4 Start position included.
- The Meuse River Line
The Meuse River Line has 8 start positions and is a good 4v4 map.
- Berchtesgaden (4)
Adolph Hitler and other Nazi high party officals turned this alpine town into the Nazi party's symbolic home. It was abandoned when the allies reached it- but what if it wasn't? What if the Nazi's made a final stand here as Hitler ordered?
End of results.