- zm_secret_base2025
This is the map zm_secret_base2025 for Counter-Strike 1.6. Map created for a zombie mod. The map contains: - lots of hidden places - indor and outdoor area - one hidden teleport for a special fly camp - elements climbing KZ maps...
- aim_driedcanyon
I found in my archives an old aim map for shooting training, maybe someone will be interested. Training with Colt M4A1 and AK-47 through a canyon. Players: 7 vs 7 Enjoy the game
- de_freimaurer
Castle Freimaurer Remastered by Freimaurer Terrorists: This Freimaurer is uploading hundreds of stupid maps on gamebanana. Stop him by blowing up his mapping place or the house bar, where he get's all those stupid map ideas. Othe...
- awp_cistern
AWP_CISTERN (Sniper War) Here is a medium awp map in classic Tomb Raider style. The textures are from Tomb Raider 1 Level: Cistern 14 CT Spawns 15 T Spawns
- de_airstrip
Special thanks to Iikka Keranen, John Morello and Minh Le Counter-Terrorists: Prevent the terrorist planting the explosives in the airstrip compound. Terrorists: Plant the c4 inside the airstrip compound and destroy the fuel and cargo...
- as_crazytank2
Download and play the custom map as_crazytank2.bsp for Counter-Strike!
- cs_knifewar_bridge
Knifewar Bridge ---------------------------------- Attack the other team with your trusty knife. Assault the bridge!
- de_foption
Download and play the custom map de_foption.bsp for Counter-Strike!
- fy_satanchrist
Terrors have dragged jesus cross into hell !!! CT and T must climb the cross to gain the power of satan to escape from hell!!! BEELZEBUB KNOWS NO MERCY!!!
- de_torabora
CT's try to defuse a nuke in bin ladens cave. Terrors stop them and blow your- self up!! ____________________________________ CT's: PROTECT THE NUKE, DEFUSE WHEN ACTIVATED BY PRESSIN DEFUSE BUTTON 3 TIMES WHEN NUKE TICKS FAST _________...
End of results.