Recent Updates (Notifications, Links, Transfers, Reviews)

  • GameMaps (System)
    As always, we have a lot going on around here keeping us busy! 
    Let's cover some of the updates in the past week.
    To keep players from going crazy, we have improved notification handling. You can now 'dismiss' all your notifications from the account dashboard! In addition, certain notifications that were difficult to track down will now appear on the dashboard.  Keep in mind, 'Discussion' notifications will not appear at the dashboard and you must visit the discussions area. 
    Yes you can transfer files to other accounts!  Not many people are aware of this feature, probably because it was hidden away in the 'My Credits' area.  To make the transfer ability more apparent we have added the "My Transfers" option to the left sidebar. 
    Note:  The receiving user must be credited before a transfer request can be sent by either party.   Once a member has been added to the 'Developers & Credits', the credited user may request a transfer.  The publisher can accept or deny this request. 
    My Credits
    Another location we have made more accessible is the 'My Credits' area.  This location shows all the content on GameMaps that has your account listed in the 'Developers & Credits'.  This area is still in development and additional options will be available soon.  More information will be posted when the upgrades have completed. 
    Social & Links
    Many people thought they'd never live to see the day when GameMaps allows links...  Well that day is coming!  You can now add social links to your profile (Steam, Twitch, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and Website).   Although we do our best to combat spam and bots, at the same time we want to avoid restricting our core members.  These social links will begin to appear on your profile once the user profiles page has been upgraded. 
    If you guessed, you probably guessed right.  Reviews are coming back!  After a lot of evaluating and planning the team has designed a new stand-alone reviews system.  There are many upgrades and improvements we're sure you'll enjoy.  We anticipate the new reviews system will be released no later than a week from today.
    You may notice guides are undergoing changes. That's because the guides area is not yet completed and you can follow our development progress.  Options like Awards, Likes, Watchlist and so forth will become available for guides.  More information will be posted in the next announcement. 
    Additional Updates
    - Social Bans link renamed to 'My Bans' and is now located under 'My Reviews'.
    - You will not be able to communicate with socially banned users via private message. 
    - Edit profile link has moved. Click the settings gear icon (above) and select 'Edit Profile'.
    - Added a edit username link to the account settings. 
    - Edit profile has been removed from the account settings area. (Now in menu)
    - Cryptocurrency balances are now displayed on your Payments page. 
    - Location and employment has been removed from profiles because they are not used or displayed.
    - When selecting a community avatar it will now prompt a confirmation.
    - Reviews will no longer appear in the file comments.
    - My Subscriptions was updated to be more user friendly.
    - VIP area has been prepared for further features.
    - Fixed holiday logo from breaking navigation on mobile devices.
    - Moved the announcements red notification dot to 'Discussions'. 
    - If the current holiday has less than 4 item releases for a game, the holiday section wont appear.
    - My Activity and the Notification section have been removed due to inconsistencies in data. 
    Thanks for supporting GameMaps
    - The GameMaps Team
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  • I have a question:  over the years I did 331 reviews (though I haven't gotten credit for some of them due to censorship.)  Are they now gone forever?  I'm just wondering- it's not that big a deal I suppose given I don't do reviews anymore because I got trolled so badly, but I am curious.
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  • @AlfredENeuman
    In the account area on the left sidebar is a "My Reviews (x)" link which 'x' displays how many reviews you have in the system.   Clicking 'My Reviews' should take you to a page that displays your reviews (see image below).  Your reviews should be displayed in this area.   If it says you do not have any reviews, then there may be a bug or other reasons and we would need to look into this further.
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  • Will the new review system have some prerequisites? Like for example, giving more than 100 comments to any mods, participating in discussion section by giving certain number of replies, etc? From the previous review feature, I figure out that some people in the past made new accounts just to troll a user they hate by sending lots of 1-star review. So, If the new review feature also allows freshly made accounts to give reviews, I think that would have a possibility to be exploited like what happened in the past. So, if possible, I think it would be better to give some prerequisites to unlock review feature. This way, it could help prevent & greatly reduce troll reviews in the future, as people won't be able to use review with new accounts unless they have contributed in this site by completing the prerequisites.
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  • iLL, I wasn't implying the reviews are not there I was instead asking if they'd continue to be there once the new system is up.  I guess I wasn't clear about that.  No worries.  :)
    Also, I think kurochama made some good points- trolls really were a problem.  I mean, one might think I stopped doing reviews simply because I'd done so many but that wasn't the reason at all.  Apparently, people thought they could give some of my mods bad reviews yet I did not have the right to write a bad review of someone else's mod.
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  • @AlfredENeuman @kurochama
    Ah, yes your reviews have already been migrated into the new system.  You will soon have the ability to manage your reviews. (see below)
    There are 3 available options for reviews; Create, Edit, and Update. Only ONE of these options will ever be available at a time. 
    Create Review - This option allows you to write your first review. 
    Edit Review - You can only edit reviews until the item has been updated.  For example, once a Map has been updated all older reviews can no longer be edited. Instead, a "Update Review" will become available. 
    Update Review - This function only becomes available if a new update was posted after your review was written.  This allows you to update your review in conjunction with the latest release. This will also reset your review date and it will appear like a new review.
    About prerequisites. There are requirements that must be met for a player to write reviews.  In addition, publishers will have more control over their reviews and can even disable reviews. You can turn on reviews when you are ready to begin accepting reviews, or turn them off.   If a publisher turns off reviews, the reviews still exist but will not appear on the details page.
    Once reviews is released to Beta we will make necessary adjustments (if needed) prior to the live launch.
    More details will be mentioned in the next announcement.  Appreciate the feedback!
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  • Probably it's kind of late, as I just got this idea recently. It's about the "Notifications" on beta site.
    As far as I know, some people might ignore notifications if they're less eye-catching. So, on this case, I'd like to give an idea about "Pop-up Notification" that could at least make people notice the notification instead of just seeing a number & at the same time click it to go directly to the page. I don't know if it would cause heavier process or not, but updating a semi-transparent pop-up notification could be useful. & when clicking the pop-up notification, member will go directly to where the comment/ reply is. For example, it would look more or less like this:
    (The semi-transparent pop-up notification could be placed somewhere that doesn't block other functions)
    Alternatively, adding a short notification like this would also be fine:
    (This one might cause double notification icons instead though, the numbered version & this text version. But the text version could be clicked & it will redirect to "Activity" where notifications are locatied)
    Then, the much simpler idea would be making the numbered notification icon "clickable". I think the feature on the old site where member could click the numbered notification icon & go directly to the notification area is very helpful to be implemented here as well. The numbered notification on beta site can't be clicked, so member would have to click "My Account" & then search it manually on "Activity" section. If that numbered notification icon can be clicked, that would save more time in checking notifications, just like that on the old site (one of reasons why I often check notifications via old site as it only takes one click/ press to go to notification area).
    Well, I think that's all I wanted to say about ideas related to notifications. I hope that these ideas could help give some improvement ideas on the "Notifications" on beta site.
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  • Btw I'd like to report a bug on notifications on "My History" section. The  bug is what I marked inside the red outline:
    On that link, there were some commas used on the number of mod ID (example: 24,379). These commas on the link caused the link to show error when clicked like this:
    I took some experiments by removing the commas (because usually the mod ID doesn't have comma on it), & it worked & it directed to my mod properly. I hope that this bug info could help fix the bugs on "My History" section.
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End of results.