Recent Updates (Speed, Mirrors, Bugs)

  • GameMaps (System)
    Most recently we have spent a large amount of time on core upgrades, speed and performance.  We want to ensure everyone has the best experience, and that includes fast navigation / loading times.  If you notice any pages in particular that seem slow to you, let us know and we will look into it further. 
    Manage Mirrors
    You may have noticed a 'Manage Mirrors' menu option for your files.  At this time, mirrors are disabled while we run some final tests.  This new feature will be released within a few days with additional news.
    Updates / Bug Fixes 
    - Fixed a bug that caused environments to appear when adding mods.
    - Moved the game search out of the sidebar and into the content area. (homepage)
    - Fixed various files that were tagged both maps + mods. (bug)
    - Fixed a bug that prevented users from adding tags to certain files.
    - Fixed a bug that prevented users from publishing content when a game had no platforms available.
    - Minor improvements to the developer credits.  (easier use)
    - Fixed a bug that caused [bbcode] to appear in file descriptions. 
    - Added menu options to the members area for mobile access. 
    - Users can now use urls in their file descriptions. (no longer restricted)
    - Only site administrators and moderators will have a [M] icon next to their name. 
    - New bbcode [align] added.  You can use Left, Center, Right. 
    - Various bugs and errors provided by users have been fixed. 
    - Greatly reduced loading times for user profiles after optimization.
    Thanks for supporting GameMaps!
    - The GameMaps Team
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  • I hope that the mirror link feature could be enabled again soon. I usually use that to provide people an alternative link in case if the main links are bugged.
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  • "Only site administrators and moderators will have a [M] icon next to their name."
    I suggest to separate admins and moderators icons. Admin will have [A] icon and moderator will have [M] icon.
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  • greenhood is absolutely right about that- there's a difference between the jobs, so it should be clear what that person does for the site.
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  • siuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 
    ojala saquen nuevos mods increibles 
    0% 0%
  • Super
    100% 0%

End of results.