example of trolls (harassment/stalking abuse)

  • Here.
    Let's just get it out, the most recent example of being stalked, trolled, harassed.
    Since I have to put up with continuing to get notifications of replies until something is done.
    Obvious the problem is mostly "7empest" of whatever his name is, and the other guy who started it.
    Nothing is wrong if you want to rightfully inform an author of their work being stolen.
    As you'll see, users like them just don't get it and understand the wrong of what they did re-uploading.
    They get all defensive and start attacking the messengers.
    Notice the lazy excuses they all have thinking it's good enough to give credit and source.
    When in reality that's just all the minimum Steam and even here wants to cover their ass.
    But it does NOT change the fact there wasn't contact or permission... or already removed once before.
    That's the problem, they don't take the hint something was already removed for a reason.
    I probably shouldn't keep replying myself... but that's the other thing.
    Constant notifications of activity (replies to my comments)...
    And where the heck are iLL and Rayman?
    Bad enough Steam doesn't always do their job until you make a legal matter of it with DMCA.
    Rayman was informed when it started, I told him it was mild at first and just to monitor it.
    This is what one of the biggest problems of the site always has been...
    Little to no staff until you poke them.
    100% 0%
  • I'm beginning to wonder where they are myself, Mr. Trunten.  And as usual, I agree with you though I don't know how much good that does anyone.  :(
    100% 0%
  • That's fair, but it still shows others agree...
    And there are much bigger concerns than a site "redesign". 
    Oh, apparently the comments got moderated.
    I'll have to remember to keep screenshots of evidence 
    0% 0%
  • Keep up the good fight Trunten!
    100% 0%

End of results.