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Reviews by C3NO
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- Definitive Turtle Rock Vehicles (Fake Beta)
Finally, a proper pack The original remakes were a hot pile of garbage, after months of properly learning UVs and Blender. I present to you a properly done set of vehicle remakes. Based off the original builds, they're still not perfect...
- Definitive Left 4 Dead 1 Vehicles (Legacy)
Updated version coming out soon, this is now titled Legacy. A big f*ck you to the 360 A lot of the props in Left 4 Dead 1, and 2. Suffer from really bad envmaps, or a lack thereof. However, the vehicles suffered from far more tha...
- Hillview Rapture (Outdated)
Dev Note: I'm sorry to say this to all, but I'm completely redoing the map lighting, and I'm shifting it to be closer to the very first screenshots known of around this era. I.E the screenshots with the blue clouds, far bluer lighting ov...
- E3 Left 4 Dead 2 Weapon Pack
Ever wanted good ports of the Left 4 Dead 2 E3 Weapons, but couldn't find one that looked good on Gamemaps? Well this is the pack for you! After learning how to import Left 4 Dead 2 weapons into Blender, I took on the task of porting the...
- CS:S Glock
Re-live the Terror Strike styled days! Introducing an un-scuffed, original CS:S Glock with some included details! Stay tuned for more! Also included is an optional pack of sounds! Credits Ceno - Main Porter Reborn - Slide Weight...
- Counter-Strike 2 Deagle (L4D1 Animations)
I believe I am probably one of the first to port any Counter-Strike 2 model to Left 4 Dead 2, gotta say I'm proud. Because I get to share with you guys, some of the nicest Valve weapon models in the longest time Ceno - Porting the mod...
- Improved L4D1 Rifle (Original L4D1 Animations)
After getting tired of not seeing the exact, original animations on the workshop. Me and Xenort took on the task, using the original animations, Xenort's fixed viewmodel Rifle, as well as my L4D1 Rifle worldmodel (Edited from The Last St...
- Xopha's 2008 Pistol Models
Xopha's unreleased 2008 Pistol models that he explicitly gave me consent to release! There's been a viewmodel on Gamemaps for awhile, but no worldmodel and the viewmodel has a black line on the barrel of the left pistol! So I'm here, wit...
- Classic Offensive M3
Terror Strike in your hands! No it doesn't use custom animations, I just removed the grip so it would work with retail animations. Credits Zool - Original M3 model Ceno - Porting the model/model edits & fixes Cuba - Origin...
- CSO2 M16A2 (Without Flashlight)
Ever see those Terror Strike videos on a certain channel? Well I'm here to bring that content to the public! BEHOLD! The CSO2 M16A2, without a flashlight! No, animations are not included, keep an eye out for future ports. I have included...
- Ceno's Testing Map V3
This is the first official testing map for Left 4 Dead 1, right now it's a pretty much finished build as I've finished everything I wanted to. There is now an Infected Room, but I've added some nice visuals on the outside of the map and ...
- Early 2008 Flashlight Particle
In Early 2008 the flashlight had an actually sexy effect, Xenort and I are here to restore that! Xenort - Creator Original Link: steamcommunity(dot)com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2849490391 Ceno - Port You can attempt to con...
- Theuaredead's TRS Zoey Head + Retail Body
This ports the TRS Zoey head + Retail Body that Theuaredead made for L4D2 to the rightful place! Credits: Theuaredead - Original creator Ceno - Publisher/VGUI Editor/Port
- Xopha's Fixed Retail Hunting Rifle
This is Xopha's Fixed Retail Hunting Rifle, it fixes most of the faces except the missing faces on the bottom of the trigger and clip. I'll see if he'll want to fix that. But for now here you go! Credits: Xopha - Creator Ceno - ...
- E3 2008 Pistol Fire
This is a recreation of the E3 2008 Pistol firing sound, which was the Early 2008 sound combined with retail- if not something very close. You can hear it in the Left 4 Dead - WIP #1 version of the Cinematic Intro trailer! Enjoy, those o...
- Terror Strike Logo
Original Mod for L4D2:(add steamcommunity url)+ /sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2706342427 Original Creator: dog Port Creator: Ceno Requires specific huds for the logo to show up, no sources here but I'm sure you'll find one on your own
End of results.
Pretty meh, atleast it works.
This review was posted before the latest release.