
Reviews by TaylorGuy

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  • Pros:

    I loved the school and all the little hidden files and stuff, plus the chalkboards have awesome backstory.
    A lot of different paths and the gym was a suprise.
    There was some very funny graffiti in it, which is rare and much liked by me.
    The school/evac center was my favorite map.
    It feels like its a -improved- valve map, so kudos there.
    The graffiti had a feeling of it being fitting for real life in it.
    It has great re-play value.


    There could have been more note's, and some of the chalkboards was hard to read plus some at the school could use some stuff on them
    A few areas was a little dark, but not pitch black.


    I loved it, and althought i havnt played it in VS yet it seem's to be fairly balanced from what i saw while playing thourgh it, and i had a blast trying to track down all the hidden files and stuff i dragged the game out for almost two hours just to find everything, and yet i dont think i did. I love it :D
    Also CreamPuff, there's audio easter eggs in it?

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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