
Reviews by Dafoose

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  • Port with ambience not working.

    To everyone: And if we know each other on steam, listen up:
    This download (silent hill 2) is bogus! What good is the VPK if the puzzle pieces and ammo piles are invisible! You have sound, but no puzzles?!
    Guess what? the (silent hill) download is also BOGUS. So you can see the textures, but now you have no sound, EVEN THOUGH it advertises FULL ambiance. Bloated file for nothing!
    Reminder: this campaign is like 8 years old, it's not like it has had a huge update or change. Version 7 is fine.
    Go to the ORIGINAL silent hill download (silent hill 1) uploaded and created by LEAFO.  Credit where credit due.
    And go to the "Silent Hill Sound Fix (Real)"
    Download GCFSCAPE and open the soundfix vpk. Copy the sound folder to overwrite your left 4 dead soundfolder.
    Run the debug command SND_RebuildAudioCache
    Restart the game and enjoy Silent Hill with your friends.

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