
Hello, I am BigJ and just another guy that likes shooting zombies. A little tired of the same old campaigns and playing custom campaigns by myself so I started a little steam group with some friends simply dubbed "L4D Custom Campaigners". Nothing too ser

Reviews by BigJ

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    The coolness of HL2's Ravenholm
    Lot's of zombies.
    Several Tanks.
    Adequate weapons and ammo dumps.
    Fun to play.


    Finale was way to easy.
    Bots stuck when using elevators


    The only thing I didn't like was how easy the finale was. The mini gun placement was AWESOME for the person on the gun. The zombies didn't make any attempt to climb the fence to the sides of the mini gun, even the tanks just ran right at the mini gun from a distance and surviving the finale was the easiest task in this campaign.
    Also I noticed a couple times when Louis became stuck from the elevator ride to the mines. Once he stayed on a plank of wood and fell for some damage and another time on the way to the water he hung from a wooden plank 'til he dropped because no one could reach him.
    Still a fun map to play. If anyone is looking for people who play custom campaigns join my steam group, link is in my profile.

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