
Reviews by XelaDK

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  • Pros:

    Absolutely FUN MAP! Many great and funny little things; like healing beer or weed that makes you fly.
    Great fun and takes a lot of plays to try everything out.
    I saw some of the first versions of this map, and I must say it has developed a lot! Great work, found no glitches, struck places or crashes (which is amazing work considering all the special features this map offers you).


    Not a map for pro player, meaning that it's not very hard to get gold. I did 27 min in first try (together with 3 bots) and I wasn't even trying hard. But of course it's not ment to be a map for pro gamers, and therefore I'll still give this map full score (so to speak).


    This map is a perfect add-on to the survival feature of L4D. Especially if you've grown tired of the usual survival mode and maps. Offers something different and fun!

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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