
Reviews by Acedia

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    The 4th map
    the 5th map
    music queues


    A ballon at a ship port when there are high up buildings seems odd
    movement on the ship is awkward
    prison didn't feel like a prison


    Before I say anything else I will try to tell you how good the 4th map is .... I love that map so much I am worried I might get it pregnant.
    The 5th level design is genius, the only things I could find wrong with it were a missing path bug (if you stand on the boxes on the pier tanks would target you but were unable to get up) and that it was a little odd that a ballon would get to a ship pier when there are high up buildings where he could dock.
    The first 3 levels are good too but they simply were nothing special. You have alternate routes, a few panic events and a prison without cells. I have to stress this, they are not bad they simply are in the shadow of the 4th and 5th map.
    My conclusion: Download it, if they had voice acting you would assume they came from Valve.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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