-Professionally selected artwork -Satisfactory music
-Contracted posters -Terrible resolution/quality for stage background -Lack of effort on the stage cases -DJ dashboard is outrageously unprofessional
Mother of God... this mod is terrible. I already knew how terrible it was from simply looking at the previews, but it was worst than I expected it when I actually played the level. Allow me to outline the problems: -The posters are clearly contracted to fit the original L4D2 poster dimensions. Please don't do that. Stretching or contracting an image is incredibly unprofessional. -The stage background's resolution is absolutely terrible. Get up close to it and it's jpeg cancer. Here's the evidence: puu . sh/4wR0T.png Up the resolution by 40-60% and maybe I'll approve it... and don't use Jpeg. -The lack of effort on stage cases is just disgusting in my opinion. It is obvious the creator simply took the images and pasted it on the cases without adding any sort of effect, removing the background, or anything creative. Take a look at this screenie: puu . sh/4wR1E.png The creator took 4 seperate images and simply "connected them together" without removing the grey background. Even with the grey background, the images aren't even aligned properly. -Finally, the DJ dashboard is the worst of them all. Take a look at this screenie: puu . sh/4wR12.png The main image is taken from either the ED or the OP of the anime. That's totally fine, but you can also tell the creator forgot to turn off the subtitles. Seriously? Pathetic work, my friend. Now, I'll give you credit for choosing appropriate artwork for this mod, but other than that, this mod is a fail. Please fix the cons. 2/10 is the best I can give you for this poorly made mod.