Try out outburst! A map recommended for 3 players in the Ash World terrain.
Browsing 'Village / Towns' Maps
- OutBurstBeta
End of results.
High orbit over the UED... Before the next sunrise KORHAL will be yours once again.
By Rose.of.Dream - How To Play Footmen Frenzy On StarCraft Remastered
Introduction (This guide is based on version Footmen Frenzy V 1.57bENG.scx) (Link to map file: Footmen Frenzy is a hero and mass attack game, which combines the role playing experience in games su...
- AcheronN/A
A two player StarCraft map using the space platform. A simple medium sized map.
By selecterran - WhirlwindN/A
Is that just the wind howling? A great 2-3 player map. Suggested Players: 2-3
By Uncredited - DAHLIAN/A
Destiny... Alive... Heaven... Innocence... Destroy... Aftermath... Hell... Infinite...
By Rose.of.Dream. - GauntletN/A
Suggested Players: 2 Are you strong enough to survive the Gauntlet? (small 2 player map)
By Sir.Lupin - LeirandaN/A
There are 4 regular expansions and a high yield expansion per 2 players. The high yield expansions are placed in spots that contribute to competitive play.
By FrozenWolf - The Lord of The RingN/A
A good 4 player map based in the ash world. Called Lord of Ring cause of its themed circled map.
By Dark Sauron - SauronN/A
2003 KPGA Winners Championship Official Map! Map by i_terran [An dongwon] Map Designed by selecterran
By selecterran - Universal TripodN/A
Suggested Players: 2-3 Turn up the heat in this Ash world map designed for 3 players.
By Uncredited