Reviews for Breakline

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    • trojan_exe

      Posted this review


      Непересечённая черта.

      Коротенькая кампания, состоящая всего из двух глав. Не смотря но то, что это "бета", пройти можно.
      + вступление;
      + хорошо сделанная первая глава;
      + звуковые эффекты.
      - вторая глава по текстурам ниже среднего;
      - пещеры на второй главе ужасно узкие, в них постоянно застревают и выжившие и заражённые;
      - в начале первой главы всего две аптеки;
      - в начале второй главы тоже всего две аптеки;
      - Т2 оружие встречается лишь в концовке;
      - на второй главе плохая навигация ботов (в начале они падают в расщелину и умирают, а на ивенте с электричеством, они как специально залезают в электричество и умирают);
      - странная концовка, спасение - просто большая дверь.
      Как и следует из описания, эта кампания всего лишь сырая бета-версия, пройти её можно, но ничего особенного нет. Поэтому и оценивать будем как бету. Прошёл примерно за 20 минут.
    • ErrorUnknownGT

      Posted this review



      Nice campaign. However, there where quite a few bot issues. Bots didn't pick up anything on chapter 1, and they couldn't jump down from the ledge on chapter 1, but teleported later. Also it's a bit too short and lacks a finale as it just leaves us off with a bit of an anti-climatic ending. Overall, it's not terrible, but needs to be worked on.
    • AyCorkscrew

      Posted this review



      -Beautiful designs and layout. 
      -The caves were amazing, especially with the lighting effects. 
      -The atmosphere was dark and creepy, perfect for a cave.
      -Not bad AI


      ~~~Map 1~~~
      -While the lighting gives a nice atmosphere, it also takes away from some of the design, because it was so dark I couldn't see much of anything. 
      -Same thing with the lighting. 
      -No finale


      This was a fun, yet difficult short campaign. The lighting has two sides; it gives the perfect setting, but makes gameplay very hard. I wish the campaign was finished, I'd like to keep playing more of it. Good job with what is there. 
    • AmpliDUDE

      Posted this review



      ---- In general ----
      + Great atmosphere.
      + Mavelous effects like fireflies.
      + Nice intro and dialogues.
      + Fluent gameplay.
      + Mechanisms make survivors talk.
      + Great concepts.


      ---- In general ----
      - Although I used my flashlight wasn't able to see anything, not even the light of it.
      - Very very short, too short ~ 15 minutes.
      - Senseless finale, we get into a saferoom and are rescued.


      I actually don't really know how to evaluate this campaign. There are really great things built in, and the feeling is brilliant, but as I've already mentioned, it is soooo short. But because of these brilliant effects I'll give this 9/10 points so far. Are you working on this?

End of results.