Reviews for Monster Mill

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    • trojan_exe

      Posted this review


      Жертвоприношение без жертвы

      Неплохая карта, со средненькими текстурами.
      + очень много диалогов выживших, больше чем где-либо, причём, некоторые из диалогов я слышу первый раз;
      + всегда хватает боеприпасов и аптек с таблетками;
      + всегда много молотовых и пайп;
      + пулемёты расположены удачно (в отличии от большинства других доп. кампаний), можно, в кои-то веки, как следует с них пострелять;
      + прикольный момент с комнатой бумеров на третьей главе;
      + концовка лёгкая, правда спасся один, так как ботов убил танк;
      + неплохая навигация ботов.
      - карты немного однотипные и местами скучные;
      - на первой и последней главах присутствуют красные надписи ERROR (первая карта в первом лефте с такой проблемой);
      - на второй главе присутствует подсвечиваемая канистра, которую невозможно взять в руки;
      - на четвёртой главе не очень удачные дизайнерские решения (заборы слишком маленькие, по идее через них легко можно перелезть);
      - первый раз танк появился только на четвёртой главе (причём два подряд).
      Хорошая, но немного скучноватая кампания, которую легко пройти с ботами. На её прохождение ушло 44 минуты.

      Edited: 4 weeks ago

    • Sabino70

      Posted this review


      good, i think

      I dont play this map but it seems awesome
    • FreeCell

      Posted this review


      Great L4D Campaign

      Lots of Dialog
      No bugs/glitchies
      Special environment
      Finale (The Sacrifice Finale)
      Lots of textures
    • JacobCrow

      Posted this review



      Awesome Finale.
      Bots work just fine.
      Lots of Dialog.
      Huck is dead.


      Not many Auto Shotguns.
      A little bit easy.
      Tanks can get stuck sometimes in the finale.


      I think this is a fun campaign, seeing as how each level has some sort of unique perk to it. There is a high abundance of Assault Rifles compared to other weapons though, which seems a bit biased.

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • NewmanPostal

      Posted this review



      -Ammo, health items, grenades, and guns are spread out just fine.
      -Bots work without bad stuff happening.
      -Lots of Miniguns and Turrets.
      -Amusing survivor dialog.
      -Has the 3 generators style finale, yet everybody lives.
      -Amusing customized graffiti.
      -Impossible to get lost.
      -Available for L4D1.


      -Asthetics are a bit lacking.
      -Gameplay is rather easy.
      -Safe Room music doesn't play at the start of Map 4 when loading from another level.
      -A bit of bias when it comes to the turrets; infected can't flank around well.


      It's a great campaign, gameplay wise. Graphics are very simplified though, which would turn off a lot of people. But not me! There are a few glitches and bugs than need fixing, along with maybe a few difficulty tweaks. In hindsight, I understand why there's not a single tank in the first three levels, but maybe it doesn't have to be so enforced.

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • Pangia

      Posted this review



      Something for L4D1
      HMG on 1st map instead of minigun
      Shitload of dialogues, few unused lines also made an appearance
      I always liked generators finale
      Wisely thought start point (meaning it doesn't look like Survivors came to the point from direction they're heading for now)
      Good placement of Hunting Rifles
      Pretty easy
      Credits worked
      (+/-) Cool idea with supply crates
      (+/-) Good placement of stationary guns


      (+/-) Without jumping on crate you probably won't see what's inside it
      (+/-) No explanation on how crates magically opened after map transition
      (+/-) Statguns are pretty overpowered as they're placed in a way that bots can perfectly cover your back (excluding the one on 2nd (?) map – 2nd screen)
      Unbelievable amount of invisible walls
      Unnecessary signs about getting lost in forest – either invisible walls are blocking players or you have to only take one corner to get to the place (1st map)
      I expected to have more than 2 Boomers behind „Boomer-infested Gate”
      Draw distance destroys graphics (trees and building behind fog etc.)
      No textures in few places
      Very bland design (excluding 1st and last map), passing the same corridors through 30 minutes isn't my favourite
      It lagged a little somewhere in forest, near this kind of pond – few infected moved in water and suddenly game dropped to 20 FPS
      Bots refuse to take ammo and additional pistols, also forget about them taking anything from crates
      They hardly keep up in finale and passionately goes to dead ends when chased by Tank
      Lack of Special Infected of all kinds, but when they do appear, they sit in places you totally can't avoid them (vide Smoker jumping out of corner and instantly choking you)
      „Completely optional event” is pretty much unnecessary as it's hard to fail in this campaign


      Maybe too much idiotic-proof, but overall it's fun to play and definitely worth downloading, it wouldn't be a bad idea also if you would make another campaign for ye olde L4D1 as you definitely know what you're doing.

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • ELREY296

      Posted this review



      -Great use on the dialogues
      -Epic return of the Church Guy
      -Good work with the ammo and the boxes
      -The Miniguns and Turrets in a great position
      -Good ways in the 2 and 3 levels
      -No spawn of autoshotguns in the first 3 levels (one takes this weapon and are unstoppable)
      -Difficulty with Crescendo events (are 3-4 rounds if you aren´t run for the map)
      -The best finale when i has played, without the sacrifice
      -Fun garantized


      -No much Tank spawn in the first maps
      -Bots stand in front the turret
      -So much molotovs (i played the map on advanced)
      -One of the tanks when start the generator of below, has the probability of 25% spawn across the bridge and die
      -In the credits, all of these things isn´t showed


      This is a good worked map, respect to the creator
      I have fun with my friends, we find the bug of the tank across the bridge... but is tolerable
      The dialogues of Crash Course and The Sacrifice, and News dialogues are perfects
      Make another map for this... idea... the finale of The Parish are perfect for a map for Left 4 Dead 1

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • mcpig237

      Posted this review



      Very fun.
      Plenty of Dialouge.
      Huck died.
      The Boomer rigged door was a fun thing to try and avoid.
      Miniguns are placed in GOOD places, not like other campaigns where miniguns are pointed opposite of where hordes come from.


      SMG was pretty overpowered in maps 2 and 3 because of the very thin corridors.
      (Maybe Director)  Hunting Rifles didn't spawn until the finale, and even then only in one place.
      Map 4 was generally not fun, but that may be because I HATE maps with forests.
      A few bot navigation problems.
      Weapon spawns overall were pretty odd.


      A fun campaign with plenty of zombies and plenty of heavy turrets to kill them all with.  I got my Red Mist achievement on this level, I killed roughly 250 zombies with the miniguns.  

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • Fauckers

      Posted this review



      Fun to play
      Church guy
      A bit of challenge in some areas
      Wide open


      Lots of random stuff here and there
      No real history
      Lack of detail in all areas except for safe rooms
      Sometimes it's wide open and sometimes it's corridors after corridors
      Boring design in some parts
      Some dialogues overlaps others
      Blocky enrvironment


      An OK campaign with decent things and funny to play, but lacks design and history, why this shit is here? Lots of "question" can't be answered!

      This review was posted before the latest release.

End of results.