Reviews for Lost in Linz v2

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    • trojan_exe

      Posted this review


      Долгое, но интересное путешествие.

      Довольно продолжительная кампания, состоящая из пяти глав.
      + первая глава сделана креативно (фанаты аниме оценят);
      + во второй главе хороший вид на город;
      + на протяжении всех пяти глав, нам попадаются тайники с ништяками, при нахождении которых раздаётся определённый звук;
      + на протяжении всей кампании постоянно попадаются лекарственные средства (аптечки и таблетки);
      + на протяжении всей кампании постоянно попадаются молотовы и пайпы;
      + хорошая навигация ботов (кроме концовки);
      + многие места выглядят красиво, не смотря на средненькие по качеству текстуры.
      - при загрузке второй главы в убежище уже сразу открыта дверь;
      - в начале второй главы нам не попасть назад в фургон, так что лечитесь сразу;
      - на второй главе было два танка (это не проблема само по себе, но с Т1 оружием было сложновато);
      - на третьей главе было три танка (при том, что Т2 стволов не было);
      - Т2 оружие встречается только в конце третьей главы;
      - на концовке нет оружия, только патроны (для меня это минус, потому что я привык менять стволы по ситуации);
      - спасательный поезд едет ооочень долго, успевает придти не один танк;
      - боты почему то прыгают под спасательный поезд и умирают там.
      Очень долгая, но интересная кампания, со средненькими текстурами, и с большим количеством зомби. Прошёл без рестартов за 1 час 17 минут.

      Edited: 4 weeks ago

    • YamilaNoelia

      Posted this review


      Esta buena el mapa

    • LilG

      Posted this review



    • FreeCell

      Posted this review


      Greatest L4D1 Add-On Campaign

    • Megadude

      Posted this review



      *Solid gameplay with few bugs.
      *Many varied environments.
      *Good idea having a van as the saferoom.
      *Quite long.
      *Train station map was designed.


      *Lots of areas seem to lack the little details that make a map stand out. Everywhere was just big brushes, i.e the stairs.  Few, if any, doors had door frames.
      *Very confusing where to go, especially with so many locked doors around. Only have the doors you can use as props and turn the locked doors into decals or overlays. Need to add more indicators where to go wehn walking through long, wide streets.
      *Some nav issues for bots around ladders.
      *Escape vehicle moves too slowly.
      *Some holes in walls that we had to get through would only let you through in a certain place. It was like there were clip brushes over several parts of the hole.
      *Most of the streets were wide and empty, making killing any infected in them easy.
      *Several extremely stretched textures.


      Overall a decent campaign for gameplay but needs quite a bit of work in the detail and looks department.
    • Ghost_of_K

      Posted this review



      + Great recreation of the "Kürnberghalle"
      +A lot of easter eggs and secrets. 
      + Good spread of supplies.
      + Finale was quite good.
      + Nice to see the zombie apocalypse finally reaching Linz. 
      + German voice files and original sounds  used in the finale
      + Also various shops/museums from Austria one could explore.
      + A fair difficulty and nice triggers
      + This is for L4D. Thanks.


      - ÖBB train was late. ;)
      - Finale was totally chaotic.
      - Bots don't react right upon the finale.
      - Sometimes bland gameplay.
      - Some areas were too dark in my opinion.
      - Could need more medkits.
      - Sometimes directions were missing.
      - Sometimes strechteched textures in map 3


      Play it with your friends and you will have a lot of fun. If you ever visit Linz, this map is far better. ;)
    • cowboy

      Posted this review



      Fast pace and challenging.
      Long set of map so keeps you busy.


      Train a little tough to board until you find out the secret.


      Play the maps they are worth your time.
    • AmpliDUDE

      Posted this review



      + Very creative content.
      + Good use of dialogues during the whole campaign.
      + Good spread of supplies.
      + Finale was quite good but see Cons.
      + Always a pleasure to see my home country Austria.
      + German language used in the finale. Sehr gut!
      + Also various shops from austria one could explore.
      + Partly the bot NAV was working better than in original campaigns.
      + This is for L4D. Thanks.


      - Finale was totally chaotic.
      - Sometimes bland gameplay.
      - Bots went in front of the train.
      - Some areas were too dark in my opinion.
      - Could need more medkits.
      - Sometimes directions were missing.
      - Sometimes I noticed strechteched textures in map 3.


      Well I love the austrian aspects that were built in. The survivors really used many dialogues, aswell with L4D Modified Talker, so the campaign never got quiet. Well done on the whole!
    • Countess Hergreaves

      Posted this review



      really long map - it took me about an hour to play
      much attention to detail


      somewhat too difficult - I tried it 5 times and never made it on the train


      I do know Linz and therefor the map was great fun to play. I recognised like every spot on your map and sometimes just thought "hey, i was at that plce like an hour ago" that's really great
      btw - you set the ursulinenhof on fire, heavy hint, it has been what, 2 years ago when it burnt nearly down?
      the train station is well down, just looks like the real one. 
      And you took the real announcement which they use on the station, did you?
      all in all - thanks for the map, its great!
    • dgrobinson

      Posted this review



      Long visual spaces, a lot of attention to graphic detail
      5 maps, a good long time for game play


      Some glitches in game play
      Rescue is somewhat drawn out


      I really liked this campaign.  I played it in single user with bots and the bots were kind of stupid, e.g., they wouldn't get on the elevator in the art gallery, they fell off stuff and died, wouldn't pick up health kits.
      I got trapped behind the army truck at the end of the park, just before the train tunnel.  That is a slight bug.
      In the path to City Hall, I got turned around in the yellow building a couple of times.  One time I was playing with cheats on and I went noclip to see if I could figure out where to go.  The other time, a jockey rode me off the top of a walkway.  I need to revisit that and find my way.
      Playing with stupid bots in the rescue map is somewhat tedious.  Bots don't play smart.  The military sniper rifle in the spawn room is a godsend, because I wouldn't have been able to put a hurt on the tanks without it.
    • RebeccaBlack

      Posted this review



      - Really long
      - Challenging
      - Custom sounds
      - Extremely fun


      - Bots go in front of the train in the finale.
      - Lots of dead ends that seemed like you're suppose to go there
      - Could of have more directional outputs once we enable game instructor
      - Lots of purple checkered spaces (or is that just me)
      - Trains takes too long to get to us.


      Overall, this experience was great and fun to play. It took me a lot of time to find where to go, but hey, I did it. Good job and keep it up!

End of results.