
Reviews by ****myduck(FR)

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    - Some places have really good design and lights
    - Finale is perfect, creative, spectacular and have a really good gameplay 
    - The boat is a cool area, a place we remember. 
    - Event in prison. (refectory is believable) 


    - Start video not that good 
    - Flies sound
    - Transitions between sounds are too brutal
    - In level 2, you don't get immediately that you have to go in the sewers and it's not really dangerous to go in to repair the wire. 
    - Level 4 has many problems on textures. Looks pretty bad. i'm sure that some don't have that problem, but it is really annoying. 


    The Finale of this campaign is really really good and fun to play. But besides of design, i'm not 100% convinced that the gameplay of the four first maps is that good. To sum-up, i'll say that  best parts were the jail event and the finale in my opinion. 

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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