
I got nothing to put, so I put this.:-)

Reviews by Diablo5511

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    - Eerie feeling
    - Rusting and ripped billboards, making you think how long the city was overrun
    - Flames showing cataclysmic damage
    - A little over par with hordes to give more isolated feelings
    - Great storyline and map connections
    - Dark atmosphere gives me a chill down my spine
    - New weapons
    - Moderate difficulty for finding weapons
    - I have more, but it won't all fit


    - Bots jump off the starting point into the water rarely (minor annoyance; -0 points)
    - Very rarely crashes (rare annoyance; -0)


    It's been a REALLY long time before a uncanny,malign map like this came out!I'm not really the one who likes presaging games/maps, but when I get in the mood, I try out maps like these.Despite the annoyances, it's pretty good.That's why no points were taken off. 10/10 for you!

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