
Reviews by Wax******s

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  • Pros:

    -Neurotoxin escape finalle 
    -Textures and detail
    -Control missle air strike
    -Intro, And special effects
    -Custom voice 


    -A spitter can kill you dureing the cutscene in the finalle when you go inside the subway
    -The ambulance guy says "I cant go any further" And just stays in his ambulance and gives up, he doesnt explode or anything couragous to help us any further
    -Some laggy areas
    -The air strike map is really long and easy


    Really fun running away from the neurtoxins competing sometimes to get to the end and survive.
    The ambulance guy you meet is pretty cool if you give him some cola but he just stays in his amublance once you get to the end he isnt a real help and he just gives up i guess inside his truck. 
    All around a good detailed fun intresting map to play with your friends. 

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