

Reviews by TeleportingFatGuy138

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  • Pros:

    Unique scenarios
    Great Amount of supplies/variety of weapons
    Beautifully made chapters
    Good enough to be a part of the game
    No lag experienced
    Chapters weren't as long as some people claim in other reviews


    Second tank in finale died for no reason when I was on the ladder by the fuel tank you have to fill
    A few infected AI hick-ups, such as special infected getting stuck in places like ladders in the finale, by the van you move, etc.


    This has got to be my favorite community made campaign. This campaign was better than some of the valve made ones! Other than special infected getting stuck there and there, this campaign had no glitches. I played on advanced instead of expert because of other reviews talking about chapters being too long, but it was easy! I could of handled it on expert no problem. Also, there were no fps drops for me, but I have a gaming PC. I would highly recommend this campaign. 10/10.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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