
Well you should ask me personally rather than depend on one mans internet words.

Reviews by TheBadlyJoker

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    -The Lovely Detail Of The Map Including Posters, Billboards, Textures, etc.
    -Each Section Of The Campagin Was Properly Lengthed
    -Every Item And Object Was Well Placed For Comming Fights
    -Companions Followed The Map Greatly
    -A Few Nooks And Krannies That Caught Some Good Attention


    -Can be a bit confusing for players starting the map (Deducted .4 points)
    -A few glitches (Youre in WIP mode so no points are take off for this.)


    Starting the map I expected awesomeness of which I have certainly gotten from playing this campagin so far. The first section (Town) Was a great start off to the campaign. Running through the streets of Red Light District was fun knowing that just about anything could happen. (Shooting a bunch of cars and a few confusing moments later) I found myself at an ambulance with no other direction which I thought was odd, I ended up going in to hear someon on my team yell "Get In Here!" and I thought it was a new step to evolving a safehouse to a known ambulance. (I still question it why though but its not a big deal.)
    My next map (Temple) was a bit odd. It was more open than the town and felt like there was plenty of space to get attacked from. Checking out the backgrounds and running by a few temples later I ended up in a skycart. This was really new, cause now you just sat there and looked at the beatiful foggy scenery without shooting zombies which felt like a good amount of time to heal or add ammo from incendiary boxes. Then I reached the safehouse and then map 2 was over.
    After a few moments of sleeping on a table with a shotgun on it later... I ended up being introduced to map 3. (Mountains) I took a few guns left the area and went back on the cart to examine mre of the scenery which was now more clear. But my caught something perculier... the background didnt move with you... I thought it was just a minor and non threating graphic glitch or something so I moved on. Arriving at the mountain... I completely loved a lot of the detail and kept dying cause I would gaze at some of the intresting details. Few zombie attacks and a chainsaw later I arrived near a creepy under area. It felt like something was just about to pop out and scare me but thankfully not. I gazed down the hole next to the safehouse and thought... "Wow thats neat." Then popped in and the campagin was over... and I was sad that it was.
    Furthermore I would totally reccomend this as an offical map. Seriosuly this deserves to be a L4D2 Offical Map.
    However there were some few... things that caught my eye. First one was in town where I noticed that some area that was not available to get throught... let me ghost my way through the door. Second was still in the town where I found an odd glitch that there not 1 but 5 different zombie panics everytime you reached a fighting off area. Third was at the temple where a friend of mine had got stuck in a door after it shut in on him. He died of door injures and it was very odd.
    9.6 is the score I would give this. When it gets done Ill revise this and hopefully itll be better.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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