
Reviews by theonlynemesis

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  • Pros:

    1. Great map, excellent details.
    2. Bots seemed to work fine.
    3. Plenty of supplies at the right time.
    4. Lots of interesting things do do, fill tank, lower bridge etc.
    5 Places to search, rooms and the like.
    6 Decent game play, not to hard and directions well sign posted.
    7. Well worth a go in my humble opinion.


    1. Sorry about this,  it is the only con i have, but sadly it is a BIG one. There are far to many hordes. You leave the safe room, horde. You walk, there is a horde. You stop for a few seconds to get your bearings, you guessed it a horde.  


       There are far to many hordes. You leave the safe room, horde. You walk, there is a horde. You stop for a few seconds to get your bearings, you guessed it a horde, you finish off one horde and another is quickly on its way.  If you enjoy a game where you can not stop to appreciate the hundreds of hours someone has put into a game, if you like to always be on the move and not know where to go because you have no time to look around you, well then this is the game for you. Do not get me wrong i enjoyed the game but it was spoiled by the constant hordes and specials. Due to this i can only give it an 8.5. Thank you to the person who made this great map. 

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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