
Reviews by keffykins

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  • Pros:

    -Pretty thorough re-skins of survivors, infected, and melee weapons. First person arms look very nice and most of the Special Infected were well-picked. 
    -Clever use of crafting tables for puzzles.
    -Nicely detailed maps.
    -Love the Enderportal~
    -Well-placed dialog snippets. ("Does this look like home to you, Francis?" "Go to hell.")
    -Good length.
    -The dead youtubers were a nice touch, had fun looking around to find them all.
    -Not too tough, but not too easy. Just the right amount of hordes (but maybe a few too many Specials; they're still manageable though).


    -No gun re-skins.
    -The witch-chicken makes no sense, but it was funny.
    -The Nether replaced Commons with Zombie Pigmen...when they were being used for Chargers already. I realized after that Chargers were bigger.
    -The Nether map itself was pretty confusing, could have used a little better design. We got lost in that map a lot. 
    -The snow got downright blinding in places, making navigation difficult.
    -The End could have been more interesting and explorable, and the pitch black sky disappointed me a little.


    A wonderful Minecraft map! It was a blast to play, and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys Minecraft. The majority of problems are minutia that are easily overlooked. It was a great treat for my roommate, who's a huge Minecraft fan, and even has some good replay value if you don't find all the youtubers in the first go-round.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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