
Reviews by h***matt98

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  • Pros:

    >Minecraft-themed. I love it when content can be crossed to create an awesome nostalgic event. With all of the different elements you stayed true to the game, from water movements, to land formations.
    >The intro was just great. It felt like I was in Minecraft watching all of this go down, from the models to the camera movements, it was awesome.
    >The map layout is pretty good and stayed true to the world of Minecraft. The maps housed several passages to get to the end.
    >Many easter egg-like elements, including the different "dead survivors", "dead players", the infamous "Herobrine", and a Deadmau5 sighting.
    >Takes use of all of the different worlds in Minecraft, the Nether, End, Overworld, Dungeons, and Strongholds, as well as different landforms, like the ravine, or hills on the Mushroom island. I also liked the weather, such as snow and rain.
    >I did not have any performance issues what-so-ever.
    >Even though this is sort of addon-based, the chicken witch made my brother and I laugh as it came running towards us.
    >The chests were a great idea to house weapons and throw-ables, you had me opening every chest looking for items. I also liked that the ammo piles and even the safe-room doors had been modified to meet that of the theme.
    >We really loved the parts where you had to acquire the different blocks to form a lever, blow up TNT, or remove a wall of lava. 
    >I liked the events, such as walking on the roof tops, or walking over the lava-bridge, where your player slowed down as if you were playing the game and were shift-walking so you would not fall off.
    >The lava was great, LAVA + BOOMER BILE = AWESOME.


    >Relies heavily on the various Minecraft-addons for the full effect.
    >The snow on the first level is a bit intense. It is quite hard to see when you have the snow, smoker cloud, or puke added with each other.
    >Alternate routes are not very creative, in my opinion, and just lead you in circles, the first level is also a bit awkward in design.
    >The intro left a few questions such as, where did he go? I saw the track but how can he fit through a 1 block hole?
    >The whole End portal seems kind of pointless as there is nothing to do there other than stare at the dead Enderdragon, but it is cool nonetheless.


    My brother and I had a blast playing this once we had downloaded all of the individual addons. We really loved the map itself, with only a few things I'd improve with the map's layout and weather, it was an overall great experience. 
    (I felt the need to create an account just to rate this map, so excuse me if my reviewing skills are not up to par.)

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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