Vexa The Martyr

Reviews by Vexa The Martyr

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    -Really fun and difficult campaign XD
    -It has that good ol' horror element to it that satisfies me
    -Brings a fresh type of game play aside from the same old "let us kill all the zombie we see on the way to get rescued"
    -The whole "silent hill" feel is true to the game, especially  with the added help of the audio file.
    -I love the how this campaign stresses you to find your items at the cost of summoning a horde
    -The scarcity of weapons and ammo made this extremely fun on realism.


    -The map takes forever to load and occasionally crashes
    -The bots (on some parts) act stupid and don't follow through towards the intended goal.
    -This map sometimes will require you to turn off certain mods.
    -This map HAS to be played with friends XD (this really didn't deduct any points it is just my opinion) 


    Well I have had a blast with this map, it is fun (with friends) and is not intended with anyone who isn't patient because this map does require a lot of back tracking.  If anyone is looking for a challenging map then you come to the right place, again for 100% fun-mode play it on realism. :3

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