Mr. Whatzit Tooya

My three years of mapping experience have taught me one thing, and that is that quality is key. If you are having or have had any issues with my maps or addons please feel free to either leave a review or comment, or send a private message with a summary

Reviews by Mr. Whatzit Tooya

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    - Very innovative campaign in general.
    - The Airliner was well constructed, it really did feal like an actual plane.
    - The instructor hints were well placed, well translated and helpful.
    - The Great Wall was shockingly detailed, and still ran very well.
    - The reskins and Chinese signs really complimented the atmosphere.


    - On the airliner the infected spawning was slightly awkward, with huge mobs appearing from tiny bathrooms.
    - Some of the translated English on the signs was atrocious, to say the least.
    - As mentioned by many others, the slippery ice on the finale caused severe annoyances.
    - Again on the finale, it was way to easy to get charged into the water, being unable to effectively avoid the chargers.
    - The sheer number of fireworks required for the finale combined with them easily sliding into the water was a recipe for disaster.


    To expand on some of my points, the airliner was well planned, well created, but simply out of context for a dynamic zombie game of Left 4 Dead's style. I found that mobs and other such infected would spawn in awkward, confined spaces and lack any real backstory for being there. I understand it is not really possible to stop the infected spawning, but some work may be required to help the immersivity.
    The slippery ice in the finale could have been tweaked somewhat, as so much as coming into contact with an infected tended to stop me dead, and the slipping was slightly over the top. I became incredibly frustrated with running back and forth after sliding fireworks and trying to avoid tanks and such, aas well as chargers. 
    In final conclusion, I recommend that you tweak the difficulty, making the finale slightly easier, perhaps lowering the amount of fireworks and the slippiness of the ice, while increasing the difficulty of the first two maps which seemed like an absolute cakewalk compared to it. All in all, this campaign was great fun to play, and I hope to see it in the honourable mentions if not the winner's spot.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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