
Reviews by aeroria

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  • Pros:

    - Good details and design
    - Pretty cool seeing the other survivors
    - I liked the lightening and weather effects
    - Great amount of health + ammo


    - Map 2 or 3?: Too long compared to other maps and somehow it feels like a 'finale'
    - I find Map 2(3?) better than the actual finale.
    - Tf2? I'm sorry but WHAT? 
    - Disliked the finale.
    - No Tank in finale
    - I found it rather (excuse my language) lame about how Coach died.. Like what? 
    - WHERE IS ROCHELLES DEATH?! I wanted to watch her die.
    - Helicopter at start... 


    Overall, it's a kinda fun map to play excluding the one part that's long and some parts I found uninteresting.. Dunno whether the white fence at the 4th map (I think) with the door is a glitch as you can go through it. But yeah, keep up the good work.

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