General Hoohah

Reviews by General Hoohah

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  • Pros:

    - Great map design with gloomy atmosphere.
    - Challenging without being punishing.
    - More zombies to blast away than most maps. Bonus points!
    - Good story.
    - Good length campaign. SIX maps instead of the usual four or five.
    - The layout and route you find your way through isn't stupidly easy or dumbed down, you have to explore and figure your way around the map, which is a nice change. But at the same time it doesn't feel like a puzzle.
    - The part with the tank is awesome. I like riding the tank! :D (A real tank, not the special infected tank)


    - Other players whining and complaining about all the things that make this campaign so great!
    - AI don't play so well, just play it with your friends. This feels like a map you'd want to play with other people anyway so its not an issue for me since I can usually fill up my game with players.


    Fun as hell map that's long and great to play with friends, with enough challenges to keep you occupied and entertained for a good while.

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