
Reviews by badbeau86

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  • Pros:

    7 long maps of awesomeness
    Very unique and challenging maps
    Great replay ability, I played twice back to back
    Finale is refreshing and unique, didn't feel rushed
    Able to solo on advanced with bots pretty much
    Puzzles make sense when you figure them out
    Plenty of supplies to be found
    A great campaign not to rush through but enjoy


    Bots get stuck in map 4 or 5 but can work around
    If you die in map 4 or 5? you end up in safe room bloodied
    Waited too long to download from my watch list, should have sooner


    Wow! What a long and awesome campaign. I prefer to play solo with the bots, as I have no one I know to play private matches with. I started out on advanced, and got almost all the way through it before voting back to normal on some tough parts.  I put this on my watch list a while back, but never got around to downloading it, that was a big mistake, as this is a fantastic campaign. There is a spot in map 4 or 5, (the one before the subway tunnels) where when you go down a hallway the bots will get stuck, both going in, and coming out.  They usually catch up with you going in after a bit, but when coming out, if you're not paying attention and you get caught by a special you're toast. If you're paying attention and notice this, you can get behind them and kind of bully them out, or, if it's clear of specials, you can run across the room and they will  eventually pop over to you. Now, in this same map, if you get caught, and die, you will show up at the end of the map's safe room, and you are all just barely hanging in there health wise, to begin the subway tunnels level. This is the only map this happened to me on, but it happened twice.  I loved the finale. It was a nice change of pace where you are in panic mode the whole time, and can't even really stop to heal or plan a strategy. The panic events were timed well, and it actually flowed well with the rest of the campaign. It was tough enough, but enjoyable as well. This campaign is going in my all time favorites. 

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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