
Reviews by CarolynCaracal

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  • Pros:

    -Very detailed and intricate, loved the different Crescendo events
    -Custom textures and mod packs included
    -detailed Easter Egg
    -Satisfying Finale


    -Too many armored zombies in the first map, and with all the narrow corridors and small areas, it's almost impossible to kill them
    -Tanks spawned too far out in the finale, making them incredibly easy to kill by just lighting them on fire with incendiary ammo or a Molotov.
    -Nether level got confusing and had to take each path multiple times to figure out.


    Honestly, this is probably the best map I've ever played. There was clearly a ton of work put into this and there's so many little things that were un-necessary but you took the extra time and effort. However, due to the nature of the first level and all the small corridors and buildings you were in, the armored zombies were almost impossible to kill, and seeing as how each wave had about 3/4ths of the zombies being armored, the first level took me as much time as it took to finish every other level, save the Nether level.

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