
Reviews by flonterfiveO

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  • Pros:

    - Was always hoping for a loooong campaign. (+20)
    - I like how we can get lost. (+2.6)


    - Saw the lines on the howitzer part. (-1)
    - The Mustang (is it?) shaders are a bit unrealistic. (-2)
    - The alarmed door part is a bit confusing, made me lost and died. (-2)
    - In chapter 3, I remember seeing the stairs to the top side of the tower holed, but in the next chapter, it isn't. (-3)


    This campaign is AWESOME!.
    The full points i wanted to give for this map is 114.6 (11.5 for you, maybe.), but since this rating didn't provide more than 10 points, soyeahwhateverjustaceptitlikewhatitis.
    I'm also sorry for any grammar mistakes, I'm not born in a country that uses English as an everyday language.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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