Will T.

Reviews by Will T.

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  • Pros:

    + Fairly accurate to the ride
    + Backstage areas/gates blocking the flume add variety when playing through on foot
    + Nice to be able to ride the ride zombie-free
    + Seeing Special Infected in place of key characters from the ride is funny


    - Difficult to tell which zombies are set pieces vs. which are actual enemies when fighting a horde
    - Hard to find your way sometimes - took me a while to get past the well/auction scene area
    - Couldn't start the finale - button to open the gate didn't respond to being pressed for me


    Very nice. A couple of bugs in the zombie-filled version, and it's annoying sometimes to realize you've been shooting at a set piece rather than an actual zombie, but the ride is re-created well and well-adapted for use as a campaign. Definitely worth checking out.

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