
Reviews by Sirell

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  • Pros:

    + Pretty good detail.
    + The Pros of being Liara T'soni.


    - Character is a bit too stary.
    - Still Rochelle's annoying voice.
    - Still Rochelle's name.


    For the most part, it is completely Liara. I'll mention the few points for improvement in my opinion. Firstly, the eyes. The character seems to have unusually wide eyes, which makes her stare quite a bit, even more so when she dies. You can change the name of the character from Rochelle to Liara in the Lobbies. The voice is annoyingly still Rochelle, but little you can do about that. Also, I believe the skin to be a bit too small, but that's just another minor detail which many may disagree with me on. Other than the eyes, I believe this to be almost perfect. If the eyes were tweaked, I might give this 9/10

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