Recent Updates (Discussions, Search, Updates)

  • GameMaps (System)
    The past couple weeks have been spent fixing an assortment of reported bugs which were more tedious than anticipated.  Although we wanted to have the Guides section revamped by now, this plan has now been pushed into next week.  Let's take a look at some recent updates and what we could expect in the days ahead.
    You may notice the discussions area is still evolving. In order to ensure all users can get immediate community support we had to ensure the discussions area is easily accessible. You can now access the Discussions area by clicking the link in the header.  After you enter the Discussions area you can choose a discussion category. 
    Because there are thousands of games, Game Discussions will not show discussion categories for all games.  Instead, it will show discussions from your 'Favorite Games' + The most recent active games.
    Search (In-Progress)
    We are currently working on the GameMaps search and although it works, it's not quite completed yet.  We have had a lot of requests to make the search more robust and powerful, so that's exactly what we're doing!   The search system will continue to be upgraded next week and once completed, you'll have all the necessary tools to find and discover the content you need.  (Auto suggestions will also return.)
    Additional updates
    - Auto-loading content when browsing has been fixed/improved.
    - Header menus have been improved for consistency and efficiency.
    - Fixed a bug that caused latest content dates to not appear correctly.
    - Fixed a bug that prevented you from deleting your own comments.
    - To better distinguish publisher comments, their comments will be highlighted. (details page)
    - "Private messages" and "VIP" links have moved out of the left members menu.
    - "My Reviews" was added to the top of the left members menu.
    - Fixed various mobile bugs to improve navigation.
    - Holiday themes will only appear on the homepage, game homepage and files that are tagged for that holiday.
    - Older comments posted before the latest release will now contain "This comment was posted before the latest release."  
     - We are aware some users are not receiving e-mails from certain providers such as Microsoft.  We are working on resolving this issue and we appreciate your patience.
     - The holiday logo may prevent you from accessing the header options in mobile devices. We are aware of this issue and it will be resolved Monday.
     - The site may load slower than desired. We will be focusing on loading times shortly. 
    If you notice any bugs, issues, or maybe you just have a request, let us know! 
    Thanks to your feedback we're able to provide you a better service. 
    Thanks for supporting GameMaps
    The GameMaps Team
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  • Hello, I just wanted to give a bug report. I got confused about where to put bug reports as the old topic about "Bug Bounty" was closed. So  I put it here as  it's related to private message. I recently found this bug when checking private message:
    I still  have no idea about what caused that error. The message inside was fine without error though.
    100% 0%
  • I'm getting the same as Kuro with private messages.
    Also, it would be nice to be able to delete them, otherwise they build up and makes it difficult keeping track.
    Maybe that was a bit of a minor oversight in the new design process.
    0% 0%
  • I'm also getting this PHP error.
    100% 0%
  • These errors should be resolved now.  
    Thanks for the feedback!
    100% 0%

End of results.