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  • Hello, I'd like to report a bug on review feature. Recently there was a user asking me whether the review feature was available or not. When I asked the reason of his question, he explained that he couldn't leave a review on a certain campaign. Then I tried to test it myself, & the result was like this:
    (On this image, I had a conclusion that the user uploading this campaign disabled the review. But the text there was wrong. It should be "Reviews disabled" instead)
    (On this image, the "Write Review" button should be unavailable or turned grey to make it unable to click because review is disabled on this campaign, but in fact it can be clicked & user can still write a review though the result will be like that on 1st image)
    Well, I hope that this bug could be fixed, so that users won't be confused again because of the error when trying to make a review on a mod that has the review disabled by the uploader/ author.
    100% 0%
  • Things should be working properly now when reviews have been disabled, or when comments have been disabled but reviews have not.
    100% 0%
  • Sorry to post on an old topic, as I didn't find any new topics related to review. I just wanted to report a review bug in case if it's missed, about "Duplicate Reviews" like this:
    This kind of bug is rarely seen, as I only saw this luckily when I tried to make a review. I wonder if both review scores are counted too. If they are counted too, that would give disadvantage to the mod creator.
    That's all I wanted to report for a bug for now. I hope this info could help locate & fix the bug.
    0% 0%
  • This message has been removed by a moderator.

    0% 100%

End of results.