Recent Updates (Discontinued Publishing, Bugs, Updates)

  • @AlfredENeuman:
    So that's a bug? Last time, I thought it was me experiencing it alone when my posted comment on my mod didn't show up. Last time I thought it was my browser's problem that didn't load completely when in bad internet connection, so I re-posted my comment & it finally showed up. Actually there's a strange thing, like in "Activity" logs in old site it showed that I had posted 2 comments, but the first one had never shown up. But I ignored it because I thought it was my browser's mistake.
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  • Well, I could be wrong in this case.  I can't remember if comments are going to be allowed on the beta website.  If they are, then yes I'd say there's a bug.  If not, then I'm wrong.  I haven't tried logging into the current website and seeing if the comment somebody made shows up or not, though I did log into the current site and see that I did get a notification there's been a comment.  But I thought, well I'm supposed to be looking at the beta website after all so I figured I'd wait till "management" tells me if there's a bug or not before I respond to whatever the commenter said.  I'd like to respond using the BETA website for obvious reasons, to see if it acts properly to MY RESPONSE to their comment.  Have a great day.
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  • @kurochama: That PHP error you encountered should be fixed. Based on your description and the error there's a possibility you may be having an additional error. You may have had a JS error preventing platforms from loading or showing, but I can't reproduce that here. If you encounter any more issues please let us know, and if you can include any JS errors in the dev tools that would be helpful! If you need assistance with that let me know. Thanks for your assistance!
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  • I'm glad you gave kurochama and hand and got that bug fixed, but tell me something:  Was my issue a bug or not?  Basically it comes down to whether or not comments are going to be allowed on the beta website.  If so, it appears there's a bug because the comment left concerning Left 4 Dead 2.75 Version 3.1 does not show up on the beta website.
    Now, I deliberately did not login to the current website and check to see if the comment showed up or not.  I'm sure it probably did and I am after all supposed to be looking for issues on the beta website, not the current one.  At some point, if I don't hear from "management" regarding this I'll login to the current website and respond to the comment.  But I'd like to know if there's a bug or not, just out of curiosity. 
    And I'd bet others would like to know if comments are going to be allowed on the beta website or not.  I'm aware, reviews are back but they aren't technically quite the same thing.  Often comments are simply people asking me questions about the mod, as opposed to reviewing it a different way than the proper way.
    Thanks in advance for answering my question.
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  • @Computator:
    Thanks a lot for the fast response. I don't have basic knowledge about programming so I have no idea about what you meant about JS error & dev tools 🤔😟 . But I'll let you know again in case if I find another error during uploading or surfing the beta site.
    I think adding a comment from beta site should be possible. Though I use old site more often until now if it's about commenting something, I also use beta site to edit my comments if there are some mispelling words or wrong information I wrote. The vanishing comment in my case was actually from commenting via old site. Maybe I'll also try to add some comments via beta site too, to check the bug possibility.
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  • Well, this wasn't me commenting it was somebody commenting about one of my mods.  But I would think you are probably right in that any comment made on the regular website should be transferred over to the beta website.  But on the other hand, perhaps comments are not in the future of the beta because trolls in the past have done their thing with comments more often than with reviews.
    I'd just like the programmers to tell me whether or not comments are supposed to exist on the beta website.  If they are NOT then there's no bug, and I'll use the regular website to reply to the comment made.  On the other hand though, if comments are allowed on the beta website there's a bug.  And that bug should be fixed and then I'd reply to the comment made using the beta website.
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  • The old site and new site share comments, so comments made on either should appear on both. That said, it may take awhile for a comment on one to show up on the other. If it's taking a really long time or not showing up at all though that's definitely an issue.
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  • Alright, but I just looked and the comment, which was made 3 days ago still doesn't show up on the beta website.  I'm going to login later on the regular website and see what the comment is and probably respond to it.  So apparently, I have unfortunately found a bug you people will have to deal with.  Have a great day nonetheless!
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  • @AlfredENeuman:
    Could you check something in your "Activity" 3 days ago? But check it via old site, as there are some differences, like this:
    (Left= old site. Right= beta site)
    On the old site, the "activity" includes the activities of account owner's actions while "Notifications" includes other members' actions, but on beta site it only includes other members' actions when replying or commenting on account owner's mods (I still can't find where to find the logs of the account owner's actions on beta site yet). As you can see on the screenshot, the old site shows some codes when the account owner replies. If you can check yours 3 days ago from old site's "Activity" & then show how the comments were posted 3 days ago on that mod, maybe admin & staff could get more clues about how the bug happens.
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  • @AlfredENeuman:
    I just got a chance to leave a comment in a recently updated L4D2 map "Fallen Fortress" by using beta site, to test the sync between old & beta sites. Here's the result:
    (Beta site)
    (Old site. I used Dark Theme in my browser so that's why it also looked dark)
    In my commenting case above, I immediately switched to old site to check my comment, & it also appeared there. It means that the sync between old & beta site has no problem, at least in my case. I haven't tested to leave a comment as a mod owner yet, maybe I'll try to check it soon.
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  • @AlfredENeuman:
    (Continuation from before)
    & this was a result when commenting as the mod owner:
    (Beta site)
    (Old site)
    The sync was also good & no problem was found. Probably in your case, it was either a random bug, or there was once such bug but admin & staff fixed it during updating beta site. Probably sending the screenshot of what's listed on your the "Activity" on the old site 3 days ago could help admin & staff find what comment was missing, as the "Activity" on the old site provides some codes that admin & staff might know what & where the codes lead to.
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  • kurochama, since gamemaps is updating the website's core today I think it would make sense for me to do nothing today regarding this, as they may very well fix any bug causing the issue (if they haven't already done so.)  I do appreciate your efforts though. :)
    I look into this tomorrow- I don't know how long it is going to take "management" to do what they are doing (they may even end up doing more than one update for all I know.)  Have a great day!
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  • @AlfredENeuman
    The last comment I see for this file says
    "Love the thumbnail to this. Good job..." - TheBigHase (4 Days Ago)
    This is likely the notification you received for this item.    If this is not the comment, then it may have been a bug and I would wait and see if it happens again. The issue may also be resolved through various other ongoing updates.   Appreciate the feedback. 
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  • kurochama I did as you asked and found:  thread_reply: Array ( [thread_id] => 121 [post_id] => 15 )
    5 days ago
    in the activity section of the current (not beta) website.  And while the comment The Big Hase made shows up on the current website (and my reply shows up too), nothing shows up on the beta website.
    I'd say that makes it official:  it's a bug.
    I'm sure Computator or iLL or someone else will look into it, so I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.
    Thanks for the idea kurochama, it was a good one!
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  • Hello:
    I found a few more bugs in the My Account section:  two of my thumbnails don't show up in the list (one of them is Mostly Female Population though when I look at the mod it is clear I loaded something for it.)  Also if I list my mods be number of views (this should be most to least) the order is wrong.  The top section of the list will be accurate but once about a third of the way down, the mods are no longer listed accurately.  In other words instead of a mod with a lesser number of views being below other mods in the list, it could be anywhere.
    I'm planning on updating my thumbnails soon, so I hope this gets fixed soon.
    Have a great day!
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