Recent Updates (Mobile, Likes, Reporting, Dev Credits)

  • GameMaps (System)
    It's been a busy past month and you probably noticed some ongoing changes with the GameMaps beta version. Most of the GameMaps platform is now mobile compatible and we will continue to improve the mobile experience as development continues. We would like to also thank everyone for your feedback and testing during this process. Although we are constantly working it's been awhile since we posted some news, so let's cover some recent updates. 
    Mobile Updates
    A major amount of work recently was ensuring that all sections of GameMaps are easily accessible from any device such as mobile phones and tablets.  In order to ensure that the platform was cross-compatible we had to make some changes in the desktop design.  If you notice any bugs or have problems with mobile and tablets please let us know.
    * Keep in mind we have not optimized the members area for mobile yet.
    Likes (Thumbs up/down)
    You will now notice a 'Heart' icon and a 'Like it' option under the download button. When you like an item, not only will it help the publisher get more exposure, but it will also help you find and enjoy similar content. By liking someones content our system will be able to recommend similar content to you.  In addition, you will be able to view and manage your likes (coming soon) which will allow you to easily revisit your liked content. 
    Report User / Content Function
    If you encounter abuse you now have the ability to report a user or published content.  When filing a report please complete all fields and be as detailed as possible.  Our team will review the report and take action if needed.  The report feature will be expanded in the future to include reporting comments, discussions, and gallery items.
    Developer Credits
    We always want to ensure everyone is properly credited when someone publishes content. In addition, one of our most popular requests is the ability to better manage developer credits for published content.  We couldn't agree more, we've been working on a brand new feature that allows publishers to credit developers directly.  We're excited to release this feature and more details will be revealed when it's released.
    ** We were actually hoping to have this feature released with this news but due to unexpected delays it will be released this Sunday/Monday. **
    Other Updates
    - Fixed bugs reported by the community. Keep reporting what you find!
    - You can now edit your feedback comments. 
    - Profiles have been updated to make browsing publisher content easier.
    - Fixed a bug that cause subscriber notifications to appear in multiple spots.
    - Award counts appear on promotional sliders.
    - Trending content now appears on the homepages.
    - Button next to download now opens a menu with easier access to options.
    - Starting a new private messages will now verify the account exists before you send.
    - You can edit your private messages if it hasn't been replied to yet.
    Because we have spent the past few weeks focused on the mobile experience the desktop version is lacking some details.  We will focus on improving the desktop experience over the next week.  In addition we have many new functions and features in the pipeline coming soon.  We hope you're as excited as we are!
    The GameMaps Team
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  • Deleted User
    Keep doing your good thing, we really do like it.👍️
    100% 0%
  • I wonder if it's right to put it here or not. But in case if I put the comment in the wrong place, feel free to delete this. I only wonder if there will be a future plan about adding image/ picture attachment on discussion section or not. I find it usable & helpful if there's attachment feature here, in case if a member wants to report a bug with a screenshot (that will make staff easier to find the bug), or if a member wants to put some screenshots about guides of solving certain gaming problems, some screenshots during playing game & similar things if someday there are some topics discussing about various things in discussion section.
    100% 0%
  • Hello kurochama,  
    We couldn't agree more! The ability to add images and additional styling to forum topics is actually one of the next tasks.  We ran into a delay with the new dev credits feature which will be releasing shortly. After this, the forums will have some upgrades.
    Appreciate the feedback,
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  • This message has been removed by a moderator.

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  • We'll just see about reporting. 
    Meanwhile, doom fool continues spamming...
    Already tried reporting actual theft and harassment.
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  • And if someone is on social ban they should be forbidden to communicate anywhere, including beta discussion topics.
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  • @DOOM777777789: Omg don't spam each topic of discussion. I don't get what's your point there.
    Btw at the same time, this somehow gives more suggestions about features in the discussion. Maybe it would be needed to add "report" on discussion section too, to report some spams or offensive replies.
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  • привет я не спамлю я достижения выполняю (как и вы если вы заинтересованы в достижениях + я участвую в обсуждениях) Я НЕ СПАМ мои приоритеты это ДОСТИЖЕНИЯ у меня много не выполненных достижений (если что простите)
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  • @DOOM777777789: You're not supposed to complete achievements by rapidly posting short words/ symbols like that. If you do something like that, it's no different from abusing the site's achievement system. You would need to stop doing that, as other people also need discussion section to see some updates or new replies on certain topics.
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  • This message has been removed by a moderator.

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End of results.