
Reviews by SestyZause

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    Amazing details to every Area.
    Overall mapzise for each level was fair.
    Good placement of items.
    Unique Events that was fun.
    Good blend of custom and new wall text.
    Voice acting was awesome.
    The ending was Sweet.
    The Usage of water in the school was very nice.


    Only 2. This is just opinion but after playing the map I seen 2 things that could have been made better.
    1 is you in the truck. It bugs out as the truck drives. you can see yourself driving over buildings and stuff and just looks bad. Why not just have the guy drive on the roads?
    2. is pink textures. I have done around 5 clear downloads for 3 sites. The same areas are still pink.  did a clean uninstall and reinstall with this being the only mod for a test still some pink areas . don't know what's up.


    Overall this mod gets added to my list of " Totally must have maps" along with Suicide blitz 2, IhateMountains2 and Warcelona  

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