
Reviews by AceVLood

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  • Needs more work here and there

    Good mod, needs more work here and there however, here's what i think
    o) Pros :
    - Great modelling, with some nice little detail here and there, don't know if it was a ripped model or a total remodel, but whichever i like it.
    - RNG! random skins, so it's basically two in one.
    - Custom audio
    - Custom animation
    o) Cons :
    - The " Firing " sound effect is way to low.
    - Animation needs more work, not bad but not good either. 
    - And in the preview picture above, the third person weapon magazine part is a bit misplaced (?) haven't check it in game, a bit hard to do so, so correct me if i'm wrong
    This mod really get my hopes up when i first saw it, but try enhancing the animations, and audio, and this'll be a killer.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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