
Reviews by bnoruto

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  • Pros:

    Generally a good all around campaign.
    It wasn't overly difficult on Normal (More on this in the Conclusion)
    Supply placement was good.  I never actually found myself running out of supplies unless I was near a safe room.
    Decently lengthy maps.
    Some survivor dialogue added here and there.
    A classic map (didn't help or hurt the score)
    Some events were mildly interesting


    Felt a little...too long at times.
    I found myself getting a little bored of the campaign near the end, mostly because there was nothing really out of the ordinary in the campaign.
    An overload of hordes.  Way more than was necessary.
    The campaign hasn't aged very well.  Textures look bland and blurry at times.


    A relatively fun campaign, although it gets a little boring near the end, and it never offered anything out of the ordinary.  
    Now, on the matter of difficulty.  On occasion I see people on the site complaining about how hard a campaign is "On expert/advanced".  Personally, I always thought this to be a really ridiculous Con.  If a campaign is too difficult on Expert, common sense should tell you to simply lower the difficulty, although it seems that some reviewers seemed to forget that other difficulty levels existed.  
    Basically, what I'm trying to say here is that if a campaign is so difficult on a certain difficulty, then simply turn the difficulty down, but don't lower the score of your review over that, as it's unfair to the creator. 

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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